October 8, 2019 - The Buzzer Rang - Round Three complete!
Leaving Florida on Sunday was probably one of the worst days. Mason, who is usually good for a big hug and a kiss when we leave, became extremely upset when we left. He was sobbing, the kind of crying that wrenches at a mothers heart. This outburst took us by surprise. He has been so steady through all of this, but we know it weighs heavy on his heart.
I don’t know if it was my losing my hair that made it more real to him, or just the buildup of time. What really broke my heart were his words as he was fiercely hugging me. Normally you would expect, “Don’t go” or “Don't’ leave me”. Instead, with tears streaming down his face he said, “Mommy, I can’t leave you”. I know that may seem a small difference, but it was a subtle stab to my heart. I heard the fear of my cancer in his voice.
It took many hugs and a more than a few goodbyes, before he went inside without running out again for one last hug. I obliged every one, gladly. And, as any typical 9 year-old, he was back to his normal self in no time. Thank you Aunt Chris and Uncle Bob for loving Mason.
Yesterday, we were able to put Round Three of chemo in the books! The infusion session was typical and normal. I had a good visit with the doc. I then had my blood drawn for labs (thank you Port). My numbers on my blood draws are remaining steady and in a good range. This means my very important white blood cells and platelets are not dropping to dangerous levels. The Neulasta patch is working, praise God.
Jamie and I also decided to make a change in our Atlanta living arrangements. We rented a (very nice) corporate furnished apartment in Buckhead for the month of September. Our plan was to rent it through chemo, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. We gave it the ol’ college try, but that’s what it felt like - a corporate dorm - with granite countertops. This not so cheap corporate apartment was filled with many fresh faced career people with bikes, copious amounts of Uber Eats deliveries, and more backpacks than I could count. Everything was designer, so it should have eased my soul seeing the $2000 Gucci backpacks, but oddly it brought zero comfort. It also didn’t help that on Sunday nights when stroll in with our wheelies we are mistaken for airbnb renters.
So to my utter glee, Jamie agreed to go back to The Whitley hotel. This is a hotel that I have stayed at numerous times before my diagnosis. They know me. Due to my status with Marriott, the odds of a being upgraded to a suite are high. Our track record proves it. Since the staff knows me and now knows what we are dealing with medically, they treat us like family. Can you tell that I am happy?!? I adore being pampered.
** Side note to my SAP family who stay at the Whitley, you may see me at the hotel. Don’t hesitate to say hello. I miss you all! I may be in a wig or a beanie, or just full-on bald, but I’m still Renee.
We we were also fortunate to see Jackie and Rick in Atlanta Monday night. They were on the way back from visiting my niece, Corey. We had dinner together last night and they hung out with us this morning. It was an unplanned treat. Aren’t they the best?
As Rick and Jackie were leaving around 1pm, Jamie and looked at each other and said, “why don’t we go back to Florida today?” I am already feeling crappy, ie. extreme nausea, fatigue, and a nagging headache. We know my worst days have been Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Why not feel crappy at home. Why not put my new groovy recliner to use? As a bonus, it also gets us back to Mason a day earlier. That is a sweet bonus! So, we are on the road back home. That I am thankful for!
I posted a few pics with some of my girls. I wore Drew out in public this week. I must admit, it is very intimidating to wear a wig out in public. You can no longer tuck your hair behind your head with ease. You also have to be mindful of sunglasses and reading glasses. This is a work in process for me! You also hope for calm non-windy days, LOL! The pictures are various days with Drew. I also included a sneak peek photo of Miranda. Drew is becoming my fav, but who knows!
Until next time...