February 23, 2021 - Life in the Fast Lane
I did a thing.
Many of you may remember, but if you don't I will refresh your memory. When Jamie, Mason, and I moved to 30A Seagrove Beach in 2013, it also coincided with my BMW X5 Lease expiring.
Under no undo pressure, Jamie innocently asked if I really needed a car. For those of you familiar with beautiful 30A, you would know that owning a car was not necessarily a requirement for me. We both worked from home, we had bikes that could take us to Publix, and a golf cart to zoom around. And for work travel, I just used a taxi (car service). So, in 2013, I took the big leap of not having a car for the first time since I was 16. I became carless. Many would add that the world became a safer place.
At first, I didn't know how long I could last. But, you know what? It was fine. It was actually nice not to worry about insurance, gas, etc. I became very accustomed to being chauffeured anywhere I needed to go, albeit usually in Jamie's F-150 extended cab.
There were a handful of times that I actually had to drive that monster, and it wasn't pretty. That brings me to the somewhat well known fact that driving is not my strong suit. Putting me in a monster truck provides a breeding ground for stories. Stories like the times of me hitting curbs, not being able to park - you name it.
And if I digress, those that know me well, know that I have an entire treasure trove of stories related to driving mishaps with me behind the wheel. There are a "few" accidents, but the most mishaps involve me talking to officers of some important designation (state trooper, sheriff, city cop) by the side of the road. It may be easy to jump to the conclusion that I drive fast, but that is not necessarily the case. For example, I've been pulled over on I-75 in Florida for going too SLOW. Yes, there is a story.
I won't begin to regale you with stories of me driving in Germany. The only thing I can say is, "Renee, just don't". Putting me behind a 2-seater Mercedes performance convertible on the Autobahn is trouble. Driving in general, driving when it is dark, parking (or not being able to park) in the hotel underground lot due to tiny spaces is trouble. The list goes on. I do fondly remember a group of German men in Lederhosen (drinking beer out of an SUV), coming to my rescue to park the rental car. Sigh, I digress. Like I said, for every 10 stories I have, I assure you there are another 10.
Which brings me to this thing I did. As you guys know, I've had 2 CLEAN scans in a row. I'm not getting ahead of myself, as we are taking each scan one by one, but I am liking this trend. My 50th birthday went by in 2019 with a Cancer Diagnosis. The next birthday went by with COVID ravaging the country and a small hiccup with brain surgery. Let's face it, the last 2 years have sucked. We've all had some loss (like my sweet sis-in-law, Jackie), heartbreak, and frustration.
The rest of 2021 Must be BETTER. It just must. On Thursday, January 28th, my fate was sealed. My dear friend picked me up in her sparkly brand new BWM. I was a goner as I took the first whiff of new car smell. Like I said, my fate was sealed. So I did a thing.
After 8 years of contributing to safe driving in the community, the Krankings have become a 2 car family again! I have a new found freedom! I can drive to Publix! Heck, I can drive anywhere! More importantly, I can drive myself to my frequent Mayo visits. Jamie does not have to carry the burden of my schedule (not that he minded or ever complained). He didn't. But having 2 cars is amazing!! And it has only been 24 hours. I am the proud owner of a BWM. I've come home, sigh! It is the Ultimate Driving Machine.
So, on Wednesday, I go to Mayo for my (every three weeks) appointment of blood draws, doctor visits, and injection. I have to have a routine echocardiogram this Wednesday, so I will be at Mayo most of the day. And, I will drive myself. Yay! Last time I went to Mayo, I took the F-150 and parked with half of the truck up on the curb. I wish I were kidding. I felt like Austin Powers trying to get that monster parked. Reverse, turn the wheel, drive, BRAKE, reverse, turn the wheel, drive, BRAKE, and again and again...sigh....I digress.
So for this monster called Cancer, I'm in routine treatment. Daily oral chemo drugs and then injections every 3 weeks. I manage my side effects as efficiently as I can. With clean scan reports, it definitely puts a pep in my step. My next scans are slated for May.
Until then, I did a thing. I have a car and remember, Life is in the Fastlane!