The last month has been busy. The holiday season seems to be in overdrive with pent up demand from this time last year. Last month, we were fortunate to see friends and family near and far.
My health has surprisingly remained stable. Surprisingly good due to the blood clots that I am patiently nursing. The doctors were expecting some cancerous activity, but alas, that was not the case! My brain MRI was last Thursday. I am happy to report that it has remained clear. It is a true testament that my meds are working. I am thankful that I am able to take my chemo cocktail which includes the new drug, Tukysa. It has proven to be effective against my brain metastases.
My blood clots are hanging in there, refusing to leave. It is evidenced by my ankle and leg swelling. I certainly can tell when I do too much, which isn’t saying a lot. I spend many days with my leg elevated. The doctors weren’t kidding when they said 3-6 months for the clots to reabsorb.
Jamie and I have also adapted to my twice daily blood thinner injections. I’m still doing the injecting, while Jamie continues to watch. At least he can keep his eyes open for the puncture. That’s progress!!
Today is my routine Mayo day (blood work, doc visit, and Hylecta injection). I’m so thankful that this appointment falls this week. Next week should be an easy week, as I am only on one chemo drug the week of Christmas. I am happy for an easier week during the festivities, especially for my time with Mason. I want to be present.
Which brings me to Angels Watching…. Jamie and I have been in overdrive this Christmas season. We have family coming for Christmas. We are trying to make it special, especially for my brother. It is a blessing that he will be spending it with us, but it will be bittersweet. This will be our first Christmas without Jackie on this earth. Last year was so hard with her in ICU. We were all so hopeful she would recover. We all miss her so! We know she is our Angel in Heaven watching over us all. There is comfort in knowing.
Marvelous news!!! We are so excited for your progress and your family for Christmas! Hope it can be laid back and magical for each and everyone of you🙏❤🙏❤
Praise God for another healthy report! Sounds like the perfect way to just stay in your Christmas jammies and soak it up. Hugs to Rick ❤️🙏 you are truly a model sister